Monday, September 8, 2008

Ukiah Triathlon, 09/07/08

Beth competed in a triathlon this weekend in Ukiah, CA, which is almost half way between our house and San Francisco. We arrived Saturday afternoon to 104 degree weather, ouch! After a three hour drive, pre-race check-in and scouting the swim course we were ready to chill-out, literally, in the aircon Super8.

Sunday arrived fast. By 6:15 am we were on our way to Mendocino College to setup the run transition and then to "Lake" Mendocino, about two miles down the road, for the swim and bike transition. The "Lake" is actually a reservoir that shows the use and abuse of the northern/southern California water wars. Don't forget, conservation is the best policy!

Beth did very well despite very little specific training. Perhaps the cross training of hiking, rafting, and kayaking is the secret to her success. She took first in her age group with top ranked swim and bike times. The run, on the other hand, was a different story. She blames her stiff legs and the heat for her slow pace, which kept her out of the lady's top ten overall (she was 11th). By the way, a hard-core 50 year old won the lady's race and all but one of the top ten ladies were 35+ years young! Nice motivation for all. Below are some of the pictures from the race.

Beth getting ready for the start

Beth comes out of the swim, 1st in her age group

The transition

Diego cheering Beth on the run

Me and Diego with our superstar



Kevin Long said...

beth - you should bunch Travis for starting out the post that you "competed" in the triathlon while he "competed" with his beer from his spectator chair!

Cheers from London


Ptrav said...

In my defense, Beth wrote this piece. And I didn't have a chair.
