Monday, February 23, 2009

Introducing Sabine!

So Diego decided he wanted a sister. He had me (trav) start the search online. Sitting at work one day (on break of course), I stumbled across a cute female puppy, a blue heeler/aussie shepard mix. My favorite part was the video of her chasing her tail while she knocked over things. I thought, perfect. I quickly emailed Beth and got the thumbs up. After a quick burst of emails we were set to meet the pup on Monday of Presidents weekend.

After a fun filled weekend of skiing (see post below) we headed south from Mt. Shasta to Lake County (a bit out of the way, but nothing we aren't used to). We pulled up to Katherine's house (the pup's foster mom), which had an amazing view of Clear Lake. Shortly after, we were running around the front yard with the pup. From then on she has been known as Sabine (Sah-bean).

Once home, we introduced Sabine and Diego. Diego wasn't too sure about the new addition but over the past week he has begun to see the light. Once she is fully house broken, they will get to play all day while we work. Perfect!

Below are some picts of the first week with Sabine.

Just kick'n it on the way home.

Stretching the legs at a park

My two partners in crime

Beth's new little girl

Sabine & Diego!


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